Kebijakan Ketenagakerjaan dalam Rangka Antisipasi Krisis Global Pasca Pandemi COVID-19

Henriko Tobing, Nugroho Habibi, Iqbal Faza Ahmad, Muhyiddin Muhyiddin


The world is predicted to face a recession or economic slowdown that lasts quite a long time and annually due to declining gross domestic product (GDP) growth for two or more quarters in 2023. Various conditions, such as high inflation rates, the phenomenon of the strong dollar, high unemployment, decreased employment, food crisis, and war, are strong reasons for all stakeholders worldwide to be prepared to face a crisis after the COVID-19 pandemic. This condition will certainly have an impact on the wheels of the economy in Indonesia. As anticipation, Indonesia, especially the Ministry of Manpower, must take several steps, namely, increase the sense of crisis (sensitivity to a crisis), carry out a rescue for sustainable recovery to the community through direct assistance, provide learning centres (education centres) on the employment crisis.

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Henriko Tobing (Primary Contact)
Nugroho Habibi
Iqbal Faza Ahmad
Muhyiddin Muhyiddin
Author Biographies

Henriko Tobing, Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan Ketenagakerjaan, Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan



Muhyiddin Muhyiddin, Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan Ketenagakerjaan, Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan





Tobing, H., Habibi, N., Ahmad, I. F. and Muhyiddin, M. (2022) “Kebijakan Ketenagakerjaan dalam Rangka Antisipasi Krisis Global Pasca Pandemi COVID-19”, Jurnal Ketenagakerjaan, 17(3), pp. 201–209. doi: 10.47198/naker.v17i3.182.

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