The Gig Economy Dilemma: Exploring Alternatives to Create Decent Work for Online Motorcycle Taxi Drivers in Indonesia

Henriko Tobing


GIG economy, or better known as the platform economy because of its use of technology, has become a world economic phenomenon that has developed rapidly in the last decade, including in Indonesia. It cannot be denied that the GIG economy has had a positive impact on increasing employment opportunities or at least suppressing the spike in unemployment amidst the current crisis. However, this economic model raises a new problem related to workers' protection issues. This research aims to present various alternatives that can be used to create decent work for ojol drivers in Indonesia. A literature review was conducted to capture existing solutions and then adapt them to the current Indonesian context. The results of the research suggest: 1) Ministry of Manpower initiates a testing process for the terminology "partner" or "worker" for ojol drivers so that their work relationship status becomes clear and the results of this test can become the basis for formulating further regulations, 2) Ministry of Manpower can expand the definition of three elements contained in an employment relationship are work, wages and orders, 3) utilizing the existence of a community or "paguyuban" of ojol drivers as a representative voice of ojol drivers and several other alternatives which can be found in this article.

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Henriko Tobing (Primary Contact)
Author Biography

Henriko Tobing, Ministry of Manpower – Republic of Indonesia

Henriko Tobing was born in Jakarta on August 11, 1973. Currently, he works for the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia. During his tenure, he has held several positions ranging from staff to section head; he then became a researcher and currently changed position as a policy analyst. He also concurrently serves as Head of the Division of Policy Development for Labor Inspection, OSH, Industrial Relations, and Social Security.

His interest in economics, particularly public economics, led him to earn a master's degree in economics, specializing in planning and public policy, from the University of Indonesia, due to its relation to where his works, his interest in public economics is increasingly concentrated in labour.

As a former researcher and currently a policy analyst, he has conducted several studies on employment; the results are reported in books, journals, and policy articles where several of his books and journals have been published. He also has experience being involved in international activities in the form of research and preparing substance on global issues related to employment for the ministry.

Based on his work in both structural and functional positions, he has enough experience, especially when talking about Indonesian employment.

Tobing, H. (2024) “The Gig Economy Dilemma: Exploring Alternatives to Create Decent Work for Online Motorcycle Taxi Drivers in Indonesia”, Jurnal Ketenagakerjaan, 19(2), pp. 168–183. doi: 10.47198/jnaker.v19i2.340.

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