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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submitted manuscript has never been published or is currently in the submission stage in another journal (or can be explained in comments for the Editor)
  • Manuscripts submitted in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx)
  • The writing on the submitted manuscript follows the writing format determined by the Jurnal Ketenagakerjaan.


The Labor Journal is a journal managed by the Center for Research and Development, Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia which contains the results of research, studies, or critical thinking on issues in the field of employment. The review process involves  reviewers competent people from within and outside the Ministry of Manpower. This journal is published twice a year, namely every June and December. The Labor Journal accepts original manuscripts that have never been published or published by the authors in other publications, both at home and abroad. The contents of the manuscript are written in Indonesian. The manuscript has received approval from the other party (if any) as the party responsible for the manuscript. The writing format and writing systematics in the manuscript follow the provisions set out below. On the final page, a writing template is provided according to the specified format and writing systematics, so the author can use the template.


Article formats and templates can be downloaded  here

The general provisions for writing manuscripts for the Labor Journal are as follows:

1. Paper Size , manuscripts are written on A4 size paper with  normal margin  sizes (2.54  cm  on each side)

2. Font and Paragraph Format , all writing is typed using  Times New Roman font  size 11 point ( pt ),  line spacing is  single , text in English is italicized , paragraphs are filled in ( justify ), and the first line of the paragraph is indented 0.75  cm  inward, unless otherwise stated below.

3. Layout , using a  two-column layout format with 1 cm  spacing   for the entire contents of the manuscript starting from the Preliminary subtitles to the Bibliography

4. Article title , typed in capital letters, in bold ( bold ), with a font size of 12  pt , and placed in the center ( center ).

5. Sub-Titles and Sub-Sub-Titles , subtitles are typed without using  bulleting  or  numbering , typed in capital letters, printed in  bold , and spaced by 1 blank line with writing above the subtitles. While subtitles are typed in the  numbering format  A, B, C, … etc., and printed in  bold .

6. Table , numbered sequentially according to the title, brief and clear. The table is placed in the middle. The table title is placed above the table. The number of data digits in the table is a maximum of two decimal places. The data source is placed below the table.

7. Drawings and Graphs , numbered sequentially according to a brief and clear title. The image/graphic is placed in the center. The title is placed below the image/graphic. If the image used is the work of another person, the author must have received permission to publish from the owner.

8. Number of Pages , the manuscript is a minimum of 10 pages and a maximum of 15 pages including tables, figures and graphs.


The writing of this manuscript uses an international standard format known as AIMRaD, which stands for  Abstract ,  Introduction ,  Materials and Methods ,  Results ,  and Discussion . The systematics of writing manuscripts in this journal sequentially as follows:

1. The title of the manuscript must be brief, informative, and reflect the contents of the manuscript. Title no more than 15 words, and written in Indonesian and English.

2. Author's name , written below the title with 1 blank line spacing. The author's name is written without a title in  bold , accompanied by the name of the institution (if any), address and e-mail sequentially underneath. Author email printed in  italic .

3. Abstract , which is a summary of the entire contents of the manuscript which includes background, objectives, research methods, results, and conclusions, written briefly in no more than 200 words, with a font size of 10  pt . Abstracts are made in Indonesian and English. Abstract is written below the author's email with 1 blank line. Keywords, written below the content of the abstract with 1 blank line spacing, written in Indonesian and English with three to five words separated by a semicolon (;).

4. Introduction , written concisely, generally consisting of research background, problems, and research objectives. If there are citations or literature reviews, they can be included without including sub-headings. The literature review is written concisely and only includes theory and results of previous research as the basis for the research.

5. Research Methods , described in a clear and detailed manner, briefly stating the materials and methods used in the research, including the types and sources of data, subjects/materials studied, tools used, experimental designs or designs used, sampling techniques, variables to be measured, data collection techniques, analytical methods and statistical models used.

6. Results and Discussion , presented in several subtitles in accordance with the purpose and scope of writing the manuscript. Research results can be presented with the support of tables, graphics or images as needed, to clarify the presentation of the results verbally and associated with the theory used.

7. Conclusion , is the essence of the results of the analysis and discussion and must answer the research problem. In conclusion, recommendations and applicative suggestions can be presented that can support policies in the field of employment and/or for further research, which are written without including sub-headings.

8. Bibliography , all libraries contained in the manuscript must be listed in the Bibliography. The writing of this bibliography uses  the American Psychological Association  (APA) format.


Manuscripts that comply with the provisions above can be submitted to the Editor in  softcopy form  through the  e-journal system  at the address  journals.kemnaker.go.id . The editorial board has the right to improve the manuscript without reducing its content/meaning, or rejecting it. Manuscripts that have been corrected and approved for publication are returned to the authors through the system for correction and submitted back to the Editor no later than one week after being approved. Unpublished manuscripts are returned to the author. The publisher is not responsible for claims or compensation for matters related to the manuscript. The content of the manuscript is the full responsibility of the author.